Each Infesting Horde that arrives at an Infestation will increase the Severity Level.

The Severity Level of an Infestation is tied to how many Screamers are present, so you always know how many to look for at each Severity.Since Screamers control Infestations on behalf of the Plague Hearts, killing all Screamers present at an Infestation will clear the Infestation instantly.Loot can now drop from killing non-Screamer Freaks present at infestations.Higher Severity Infestations have more zombies, eventually attracting dangerous Freaks like Ferals and Juggernauts into the mix.Infestations, once created, have a number above them to indicate their Severity Level.The more Noise in your base, the faster Infestations grow and spread to your base - quieter bases take longer for Hordes to locate and reach.

Destroy an Infesting Horde before it arrives at a destination to slow Infestation growth.If a player owned Outpost becomes infested any active benefits are nullified until the infestation is cleared out.Infestations can also generate Infesting Hordes, though this does lower their Severity as a portion of the zombies pick up and follow a Screamer to a new location.When arriving at a currently infested location, Infesting Hordes increase the Severity of that Infestation, bolstering it with even MORE zombies.When arriving at an uninfested location, Infesting Hordes create new Infestations, effectively making an outpost for the Horde.Awakened Plague Hearts begin regularly launching Infesting Hordes out into the world.